Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Bowling For Primary Time

As you may have heard, every single day for the past two months, today is Pennsylvania's Primary.

The latest pols show Hillary Clinton with a seven-point lead over Barack Obama. That's about three points higher than a week ago, but thirteen points lower than a month ago.

What does this all mean?
First, although a candidate will never become Pope by attacking their opponent, it appears that it does have a negative affect on them.
Though many of us cringed during the first forty minutes of last week's ABC debate, some of us began to wonder if a man with seemingly so much baggage could be electable.

Second, Pole-liticians, have been repeatedly wrong about their predictions. Polls offer a great insight into what could/should happen, but what actually does happen can not be accurately predicted by surveying five percent of a population.

The point is, Clinton might loose, she might win, she might "win", she might win big, she might win small, but we're all going to be having the same discussion again in three weeks so you might as well just go pick up the new Madonna album Hard Candy $

MSNBC's Dan Abrams asked allowed last night, "Senator Clinton is ahead in Pennsylvania, so why is Barack Obama still the presumptive nominee?" Honest rhetoric coming from a person who's "hard news" show reflects a Spiderman Comic. But maybe Mr. Abrams could ask one of his interns to check out that thing called delegate count and maybe the great philosopher will find his answer $

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